Sarah Savage
Sarah has been tattooing since 2008, with a focus on large scale, pop culture, nature, and cover up tattoos. Considering her background in manga and anime fandom, Sarah is the resident weeb of Tech Noir- loving all things Japan, she is thrilled to bring your nerdy ideas to life! Beyond her own scope of interests, Sarah is also curious to explore subject matter unknown! Bring us your best ideas.
So stoked to see those two heading off to their new home 🥰🥰 you really need to see them in life to catch the depth of the layers!
Prints still available for $20, pick up at Tech Noir or I will mail them to youuUUuuu 💕
Thanks Victoria! Amazing to be able to make and sell my visions.
Still have a few pieces up in @driftwoodbrewery if you want to see some paintings and have a pint! Check them out!!
Mar 5

Got to do this very special tattoo for my cousin Jamie end of Jan 💕this is my dad’s signature- LG. Honestly as a kid I thought this was how you drew a yin-yang, until I went to elementary school 😂, it was on all our stuff - camping gear, you name it. Today would have been his 70th bday. Crazy to think. Forever 46. Happy bday daddeo- thanks for keeping the memories alive Jamie! Love you cuz’
Mar 4

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Snakes and Skulls art show on Friday at @porchlighttattoo! It was super bumpin’, and of course I didn’t even take one pic :)
I made prints of the base layer of my contribution “Ovum” if you’re interested! $40 for the print, and the original paper tole piece with skull is also available.🖤
Mar 2

BEHOLD!! my piece for the @porchlighttattoo Skulls and Snakes show ✨
Year of the wood snake/ some death and rebirth
Join us this Friday at Porchlight, so many amazing pieces by artists local and international - don’t miss out on this one ✌️✌️
Thanks to @island.scavenger.skulls for the skully :)
Feb 25

An oldie that I found in my camera roll :)
Jamie had a few tattoos she wanted to tie together into a sleeve with a rework, so we added some flowers and her sweet puppers paw all tied together with some filigree and topographical map and compass! Maybe I’ll catch her healed one day :)
Thanks Jamie!
Feb 22

Got a healed pic of these two art stealin’ cuties the other day! Thanks Abby!! These are almost a year healed at this point :)
More raccoon sweeties please!
Feb 20

So much fun at @tsukinocon - thanks for having us 🙏
Shared a table with @vantlyaa, teaching me the ways!! Haha - check her stuff out!! I managed to acquire the coveted year of the dragon Haku pin!! FOUND ONLY in the golden surprise mystery bag 😱😱😱
Be jealous 🐉
not to mention the breath of the wild link and Zelda?!? Yes the heart is magnetic 😭
I was super antisocial in the end, if you weren’t next to me I’m sorry I didn’t visit 🤣🤣🤣 hopefully they let me back in next year and I can do a serious loop!!!
Thanks so much to the organizers and everyone who came out- it’s really amazing how supportive this community is of makers and artists ❤️🔥
And I got bat-ducked!!!
Until next year
Feb 20

ONE LAST DESIGN!! Haha 🤣 why not right? Come to Uvic this weekend for @tsukinocon and get your mits on some fun Evangelion stickers 🖤🖤. I have 17 sticker designs this year and an epic tower of prints and post cards :)
See u there ❤️🔥
Feb 15

Yesssss best Valentines flash choices ever 😂😂 got to do this fun Luigi flash piece I have been waiting for!!! Thanks so much Mitch :) made my day! Hehehe
Let’s do more Nintendo tattoos! 🙏 🙏
Done at @technoirtattoo
Feb 15

Ready to order ❤️🔥❤️🔥 Zelda print complete!! there’s hearts so that makes it a valentine right? You could get one for your sweetheart (which also might be you). Buy the print and you get the coveted “S” master sword included.
8.5x11 on nice ass paper.
Flash day at @technoirtattoo Friday,
then sat/sun/mon at @tsukinocon!! I will have these prints and moreeeee 🌙
Halfway through website store updates - take a look if you’d like :) sarahsavage.net - you can even buy things via Instagram 🤡🤡
Feb 12

Snaaaaaails! 🐌 for Jordan
Sprucing up a 3/4 we did back in the day- stoked to refresh and add on 🍃
And some drawing footage for the people who enjoy :)
Done at @blackrabbittattoo I’ll be back in April!
Feb 11

Reimagining of the fool card from a Celtic deck for Clint!
Adding to our collection :) thanks man! Super fun!
Feb 10

Yesssss so stoked on these inner upper witchy gap fillers for @ashtone 😍😍
Lucky kitty paw and magic potion 🪄
Healed lines, fresh colour
thanks for the trust and super fun ideas!! An honour to add to your awesome collection 🙏
Done at @technoirtattoo
Reach out if you want to do something fun! Info@sarahsavage.net
Feb 6

My sticker making process 😅😅😅
These will be available in my upcoming Zelda print release! catch me in my tiny corner of artist alley (downstairs!) at @tsukinocon
Any other cricut users think that the software is really stupid? :) I don’t even want to know how much youtube I watched to get this far
Feb 4

Finished up this addition to our Link versus Dark Link thigh piece from back in 2021! Super stoked on how this all came together, thanks for your dedication Jordii and good luck in Toronto!
We did this at @blackrabbittattoo in January! I’ll be back in April so let’s do more fun tattoos 🖤🖤🖤
Feb 2

THE FINAL KITTEH!! A more docile approach to the doughty family kitty set - Hoju eating CHIPS! Thanks Rebecca!! Salt and vinegar for the win :)
Thanks @horimitsu for the inspiration 🙏
Done at @technoirtattoo
Feb 1

Yesterday was my 17th tattoo bday!!
Here’s a handful of tattooing photos from over the years :)
It’s been a crazy journey, and hard to believe it’s even been that long… really grateful for everything tattooing has offered me and the people I have met along the way as mentors, coworkers, and clients! Hopefully to many more 🖤thank you
Jan 30

I know I know, everyone is all like WHEN can we see the other kitties?! Well I’m done dragging it out, here is Halo Hoju, the third installment of the Doughty fam cattat extravaganza- I never played halo but I bet if you did you’re like “omgggg it’s that thing from Halo” right now, and that’s super fun :).
3 down and one more kitty to go… maybe tomorrow 🤷🏻♀️
Thanks Johnny!!
Done at @technoirtattoo
#hojothecat #halo #cattat
Jan 30

Had the best weekend at @blackrabbittattoo with all my pals new and old!! Thanks @christinatattoos for hosting me and @annemarietattoo :) :)
Really great drawing night at the shop last night to get the community together, feeling so inspired to create ✨
We will be back in April!!!!
Jan 28